Saturday, December 28, 2013

About stuff

Ok, so I have had some time to think about things and I remembered my goal of ignoring mofos in 2014 and come to the conclusion that this is something that I really need to do, and I will. We can never escape mofos, they're mofos and they're all around us and they always will be, which is sad because it makes life that little bit more shit than it would be, but never mind.

And I was completely mortified that someone would use my name to be an arsehole but this is twitter and I guess it was bound to happen, but people know me, my friends know me and they would know that this is NOT me and NOT something I would ever, ever do, unless of course you are the kind of arsehole that does this kind of thing and in which case I will call you a MOTHERFUCKING ARSEHOLEY DOUCHECANOE WHO CAN GO AND GET COMPLETELY FUCKED. If your aim was to make me look bad, then fuck you, if it was to show that whoever YOU are is an complete mofo, then congrats, you succeeded, well done, your box of shit is in the mail.

I felt really sad and sick but now I just feel sorry for the person, how sad and pathetic their life must be if they feel like they have to take other peoples names or anonymous names and be arsehole to people, they mustn't really have much of a fulfilling life. They're also cowardly, to be (fake) nameless and faceless to say stuff they wouldn't say as themselves is really, really shitty and clearly they know that they are an arsehole and don't want anyone to know, which is so sad and pathetic.

With me what you see is what you get, my business is my business and your business is yours, I don't talk about things unless you ask. If you're nice to me, I'll be nice to you. If you're an arsehole, enjoy talking to yourself because chances are after your first arseholey interaction I have already blocked you and asked all of my friends and followers to block you too, so have fun with that. And don't ever try to attack things that you know nothing about because you know NOTHING despite what you might think. You either need to take less pills or more pills, I can never tell, but it's one of those things.

So I will be back, but I'm going to enjoy some time with my beautiful Sydney family and be back and ready to ignore mofos in 2014 with you all.

Also Ben passed on your lovely messages, thank you for being so lovely and kind. Oh and if you follow the account bec_pobjie, unfollow, block and report immediately, this is not me, just some horrid loser.


Thursday, December 26, 2013

About why I have left twitter

If you don't already know I have deactivated my twitter account due to someone creating the account bec_pobjie and then using that account to be horrid and mean to people, people I love and respect and would never do such things to.

I feel sick, sad and angry that some motherfucking arsehole would do this. What they are doing goes against everything that I would do, say and how I would behave, except this person, I would be completely horrid to them if I knew who they were because they would deserve it for being completely abhorrent and disgraceful.

I certainly hope that the account creator is no one I know or have talked to before, I certainly hope it wasn't the person that followed the account for a short time even though they hadn't tweeted for many hours, I hope it was just an accident as they were blocking and reporting this account.

I hate anyone that creates these accounts, it is one of the lowest and cowardliest things a person can do and I cannot explain why anyone would want to do such a thing. If you want to be an arsehole and talk shit about people use your own fucking name you piece of scum, how fucking dare you use mine.

So I'm hoping this fucker will lose interest and get fucked, I will be back I'm sure but for right now I cannot be there and watch this person do what they are doing. Please keep blocking and reporting this account and hopefully eventually they will not bother to start it back up again.


Saturday, November 16, 2013

Celebrity Weight Loss Ads

Oh man I am so fucking sick of these. Ads telling me if I drink this concoction that tastes like cat piss mixed with fermented tuna juice I'll look like Beyonce, if I eat this bar that looks like fossilised poo and tastes like cardboard I'll look like Jennifer Anniston, if I take this pill that's big enough to be swallowed by a whale I'll look like Kim Kardashian, STOP IT, JUST FUCKING STOP IT. Because it's absolute bullshit, there's no way if I do any of all of these things that I'll look like any or all of those people. These people are a.) paid millions of dollars to spruik this shit, b.) they have millions of dollars to help them lose weight.  Even if I schlepped my arse to the gym for 6 hours every day and only ate lettuce and became a shell of my former self I'm not going to look like them, not unless I had lots of surgery which I'm not going to do because I'm sure I'd still find things I'm unhappy about and also I'm poor.

They have millions of dollars to pay for nannies, personal trainers, personal chefs and if all else fails surgery to nip and tuck everything in that they're still not quite happy with. This is not fucking inspirational, this is a crock, I'd be far more inspired by someone who has lost lots of weight under their own sheer hard work and determination, whilst working 5 days a week and looking after 4 kids, THAT'S INSPIRATIONAL.

But in saying that, how about just telling us that we are fine the way we are and if we are happy then that's fab, but if we aren't happy then making changes is awesome and if that's what makes us happy then YAY! WHY CAN'T YOU TELL US THIS? Stop telling us that we are fat and ugly and we should want to look like all these celebrities, THERE'S NOTHING WRONG WITH US.

And all these ads are of course targeted at women, there are no ads telling men that if they do this, that and the other that they'll look like hot celeb men, so stop telling this shit to us, we don't want to fucking hear this bullshit anymore.

And you know what, I'm sure there's something on these celebs bodies that they don't like either, but hardly anyone ever tells you that, no one is fucking perfect, no one, and if anyone thinks that they are then I call bullshit on that, BULLSHIT.

Oh and I lost the majority of my weight just by changing my eating whilst looking after a family of 5 which includes 3 small children, SO THERE'S THAT!

Monday, November 11, 2013

About Bullying

It sucks, it well an truly sucks. Who the hell do these bullies think they are that they can make someone's life so miserable that they no longer want to live it? Have their parents taught them nothing? Or do they come from a family who has taught them that these kinds of thing are wrong and completely abhorrent but they still do them anyway? What's going on here? I know that I have taught and will continue to teach my children that teasing anyone about anything is simply not on, not ever, what makes these kids that do do it so different from mine I wonder? What makes them think that this kind of behaviour is ok? What makes them think that they are better than anyone else? Have these questions ever been asked and answered properly? I find this situation really hard to fathom.

What are the schools doing to support these young people? I've often heard that the principal in these circumstances has said "we'll keep an eye on the situation" which is really code for "I'm not really sure what to do about it but I'm hoping this will placate you enough to not bring it up again so I don't actually have to to anything" and this is simply not good enough, you must take further action. Young people are losing their lives because of this matter and it shouldn't be happening. Unfortunately for all the good an decent people there will never be an arsehole cull, so unfortunately these kinds of people will still be here, so we desperately need change, harsh penalties for anyone who thinks that bullying someone is ok. Which is why I have signed this petition, let this be a voice for change

And to anyone who is suffering from bullying I can only say sorry, sorry that you have to go through this, but know that you are good and you are precious and these people don't even come close to being as good as you. Have strength to fight back and know that these people are not better than you, no one is better than you, we are all the same, some have more than others maybe but that doesn't make them better, some people are famous, that doesn't make them better, some people may think that they're prettier than you, that doesn't make them better, some people might be thinner than you, that doesn't make them better. You should also watch this video, it has a very important message for you:

For the bullies out there, your time of fairly free reign on people and their lives will come to an end, change is coming and I wouldn't want to be in your shoes, not for quids. You have no right to do these things, NO RIGHT, you are not better than anyone else and you should get that into your head.

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

About parents who blame other kids when it's their kid that's the problem


Now our kid isn't perfect, none of them are, if you think that your kid is perfect then this post probably addresses you. We've had 2 issues of kids dobbing on parents and telling exactly what their parents have said about our kid and seriously these kids themselves have been the problem and not ours. Parents have called our kid "naughty" and also a "pest" which yeah he can be, but not in these instances it has been the other kid, THE OTHER KID. One issue was in kinder, that kid was a jerk and not even friends with Jonah, but this most recent issue has been with Jonah's best friend and I know his mum fairly well and it has me disappointed because apparently she has said that her kid cannot play with my kid because he is a pest.

So I send the mum a message, a nice one, just to check if what the kid has told Jonah is true, because this kid likes to make shit up, he's made shit up to get Jonah into trouble, he has bitten Jonah, yes BITTEN, he is disruptive in class, has threatened the teacher, he has teased Jonah about personal things, are you getting the gist of this kid? And she replies back "No Bec, not exactly", which of course is code for " yes I did, fuck I've been caught out" , because I am not an idiot. Parents, you need to remember that once your kids are old enough to talk they know what you're saying and they will more than likely repeat it to someone, for instance one of my girls told the other to "fuck off" one day, so you know, if you don't want what you say repeated, DON'T FUCKING SAY IT.

Also, there's a way to say something, I don't like this kid and I have tried to persuade Jonah to play with other kids but I haven't said "__________ is a complete jerk face, I don't like him, he is a terrible person and you should play with someone else" which is all true but I would never say that because it won't be fair to the kid if Jonah tells him because it will make him sad and I don't want to be caught out like I have just caught this mum out, DER!

Anyway, this may be a rambling rant because I am really cross and upset that people blame my kid for shit that he hasn't done, fuck off with that bullshit fuckers, it's really unfair.

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

About RSVPing

Recently my friend Michaela asked me to write a guest post for her blog and I was wracking my brain as to what to write, I had a few ideas and one of them was about RSVPing to events, but I thought I would save it for my blog because I knew I could go proper ranty pants on it. Because seriously, WHAT THE FUCK IS WITH NOT RSVPING TO EVENTS? We held a party this year for our son's 8th birthday, because apparently we are sometimes decent enough parents to want our children to enjoy and have fun on their birthdays.Now we outsourced this party, because we learnt our lesson from the last party that we had at home, that large groups of children in one house are equivalent to a pack of wild animals, I would not have been surprised to have found a fucking zebra carcass under the bed. So invitations were sent to school, handed over to family friends that we really like and a photo taken of one because posting letters is a pain in the arse. And then of course the waiting game starts, I always put my mobile number and hope that people will text their RSVP to me because I do not want to have to talk to people on the phone.

Slowly responses come in, one kid can't come as they play basketball, that's fine no biggie, everyone else slowly responds except 1 kid. RSVP deadline comes, still no word on whether he is coming or not. Now when you outsource a party you have to say how many kids are coming when you confirm numbers, but I still had no idea, I didn't have his mum's number so I could text her about it, so messages were sent to school to ask whether he was coming or not, all we got back from the kid was "I hope my mum can find it", WHAT THE FUCKING FUCK DOES THAT MEAN KID? WHAT??? So all I could do was assume that he was coming, because that kind of sounds like he might be coming right?

So party day arrives, everyone is excited and to the bowling alley we go. Kids start trickling in, presents are handed over and our party host is handling everything, which of course I LOVE because handling stuff sucks. It gets past party start time and 2 kids are missing, one of them is "I hope my mum can find it kid", thinking maybe his mum can't find it and maybe he's just running late. The other missing kid arrives, HIS mum couldn't find it, she didn't know it was INSIDE the shops, perhaps she could have looked this up before leaving home, AS MOST PEOPLE DO WHEN THEY AREN'T SURE OF PLACES.


But seriously you guys, is it THAT hard to RSVP to an event? If you can't come it's ok, I won't be so upset and offended that I'll leap off the nearest building. If you don't want to come that's ok too, just make some shit up so you don't have to be a bitch about it, I'll never know unless you tell me, especially if I don't know you and cannot see on any form of social media that you were bulling. IT'S OK TO NOT GO TO AN EVENT BUT FUCKING SAY YOU AREN'T COMING.

I don't care if it's a relaxed occasion with friends, that's no biggie, but you know, for parties and stuff that need to be catered for or kids parties that need a minimum of kids and you have to pay and confirm numbers it's necessary to RSVP, NECESSARY YOU GUYS.

So in conclusion don't be a jerk, RSVP.

Sunday, November 3, 2013

About respect

Or lack thereof really. When the fuck did humans become so disrespectful? Disrespectful of not only people but also things. Who the fuck thinks it's ok to show people and things such disrespect? Yet if others showed these people a lack of respect, for them or their things they'd be jumping up and down about it, what fucking gives yo?

All around me I see people disrespecting others, disrespecting things, disrespecting property and I can't help but wonder why? And it seems unnecessary, don't disrespect someone just because you don't share the same opinion on something, don't disrespect something just because it's not yours, where the fuck do you get off doing this? You're hurting a person or damaging something that's not yours, do you realise this and just don't care? In this case I ask what happened to make you this way? Why do you feel it necessary to be an arsehole? Do you like people thinking that you're an arsehole? I simply don't get it?

And of course there are people that don't deserve respect, I know this, I don't respect lots of people and it's usually because they are an arsehole. But I have seen and heard of people being disrespected unnecessarily and it is just terrible, and disrespecting property and public places is just disgraceful, I hope that these people realise that if they pay taxes they're just having to pay for this shit, or are they that stupid they don't even realise this?

Anyway, this blog post is just further on I guess from the one I made about people getting their rocks off by being nasty, it's a shame we can't have a motherfucker cull, because until people stop being motherfuckers, shit like this is still going to happen *sigh* but I'm still offering up a giant cup of go fuck yourself to them because they totally deserve it.

Anywho, this ends today's rant.

Saturday, November 2, 2013

About businesses that provide goods and services

I love goods and services I use them all the time, but some businesses are ridiculously crap at providing them especially when it comes to the internet. Now I hate people a lot and I would prefer to conduct all my business without having to talk to them which is what is so great about the internet, but some people who have businesses on the internet don't seem to get this.

If you have a business on the internet you should be aware of the following things:

You should have a good website, one that tells me exactly what your business is, what your products are or what service you provide, I'm not a mind reader FFS.

You should tell me how much your service is or what your goods cost and you should allow me to order or book your service online. I do not want to have to call or fax or email or send a message by carrier pigeon, surely this is a given because I assume you want to make money from your website or else why did you bother to put your business on the internet you idiot?

Speaking of email, if I send you an email about your goods or services because you haven't provided enough information on your website, how about you fucking answer the email, it's very rude not to AND you won't get my business.

If you are a major company who offers layby you should allow this all to be done online, I can't believe you don't all do it already, how have you not already thought of this? I'm no genius and I thought of it. In fact it would be really good if I could buy all things online from your store because you know, then I don't have to talk to anyone if I don't want to.

If you cannot do these things then perhaps an online business is not for you, maybe you should do needlepoint instead? Maybe a spot of croquet? Or perhaps just pull up your fucking socks and make some more money that I am trying to give you, I assume that was your main aim after all?

Thursday, October 31, 2013

About bullshit

Fuck me there's a lot of bullshit isn't there? This is why I have been steering clear of social media of late because I'm a bit over it. There's so much fighting, so much judgemental crap, double standards, and it's all bullshit. Everyone is of course entitled to their point of view but heaven forbid anyone disagrees with you. For fucks sake there's enough shit in this world to deal with than fighting over something that is either not important or you're never going to agree so what's the point? Agree to disagree and move on. And also, there's a way to say things, even if you disagree with someone, especially if they are your friend, no PARTICULARLY if they are your friend. And if you disagree with me or I disagree with you it's fine, but being an uppity bitch or an arsehole about it will not entice me in anyway into your way of thinking, so maybe you should think about that.

We all know that the world isn't perfect and we all know that many things need to change, and we should all be striving for the same thing, equality for all and everyone to be decent human beings, but you know what? FIGHTING ABOUT IT WILL NOT CHANGE THINGS.

And what's with all the judgemental crap? Why are we doing this? Unless something someone does/likes/eats/drinks/wears impacts on us or our family or is hurting someone else, what does it matter? and why do you care? Then answer is it doesn't and your shouldn't. You don't have to do/like/eat/drink/wear whatever it is you object to, surely you have enough of your own shit to worry about than to be worrying about what other people are doing/liking/eating/drinking.wearing? I'm so over worrying about what other people may be thinking about things that I do/like/eat/drink/wear, so I'm not going to let it worry me anyone because it's bullshit, and you should stop worrying about what I'm doing/liking/eating.drinking/wearing and worry about your own stuff because I'm not going to worry about any of those things to do with you because it's nothing to do with me, whatever floats your boat, I don't care. Yay if we like the same things, let's have a chat about it, but if we don't, then whatevs. I think if more people took this stance maybe that would be one less worry in our lives, just sayin.

I won't get too much into double standards because I don't want to open a portal to hell, but let's just say they are there and they should stop because this is not winning anything.

So to sum everything up, let's end all the bullshit, isn't it time there was no bullshit? The world would be a lot better if there was no bullshit. Fight for all the good and right things but without all the bullshit that currently seems to go along with it. Be decent, be kind, be nice, be unselfish, there's not enough of this going on, not enough at all.

And you might think that this is all bullshit and that's cool, whatevs, but I won't get into a debate with you about it, you're entitled to your opinion, this is just mine.

And in closing if you haven't watched this interview with Russell Brand then you should, it is AWESOME and I like the way he thinks:

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

About teaching your kids not to be jerks

Do that! Teach your kids not to be such fucking jerks. Kids are being fucking jerks to my kid and making him not want to go to school, and it sucks. So teach your kids not to be fucking jerks and maybe we can stamp out adult jerks because adult jerks are complete fucking arseholes.

Monday, October 21, 2013

About people not understanding depression

I chose this to write about today because I did something stupid and I read the comments, and I read them on this now I'm really proud of this, REALLY proud because people with depression often don't speak out about it and yes times have changed but going by the comments there's still a long way to go. No one is saying depression is exactly like cancer, they're saying it is an illness like cancer and it's something that doesn't go away and it does kill. This is what I had to say about people finding the quote offensive:

This is my husband and I am offended at your offense. Clearly you people have never heard of suicide. Every day I wonder will he be coming home today or will the police show because something has tipped him over the edge. I've had to call the police because he has cut himself in front of me and I am worried for his safety, I've been there when our children have asked him why he has cuts on his arms and I've had my 8 year old son bawling in my arms worried that he has depression like daddy. And it's people like you that are offended make depression still taboo and why people are still too afraid to talk about it. You are a disgrace and part of the problem.

And I stand by it, and I'll keep standing by it. I don't have depression, but I live close enough to depression that I know just how bad it is. It is horrendous and I do not envy any family that has to deal with it, it's hard for everyone. I will never, ever understand people who cannot see just how terrible it is or at least do not show compassion to those that it affects and their families. As I said, these people are part of the problem and this is why people with depression still have to fight to speak up and be heard, stop shouting them down and start listening for fucks sake. Any illness that takes a loved one away is awful, it's not a competition over which is worse, stop making it so.

I would just like to say on a personal level that we have many beautiful people in our lives that love and support us and for that I am eternally grateful, but also some people are complete monsters and have even told my husband to go and kill himself (not just him but other people that I love that also suffer from depression) and this is so not cool and they are a complete abomination and should seriously get fucked. This I do not appreciate, how dare you tell someone to do that, how fucking dare you. No one should ever tell another person do this, how dare you encourage them when they are already feeling this way. How dare you be happy about them taking themselves away from the people that love them, HOW FUCKING DARE YOU. These people are the problem, please don't you be one of them.

Getting help for your depression is essential and it is NEVER a sign of weakness, it is in fact a sign of great strength, and I have said this before. Admitting that you have depression and then seeking out help is HUGE and you should be so proud for doing so. Life isn't easy and sometimes we all need a little help with something, it's nothing to be ashamed of at all,  it is the opposite.

If you need help because you live or love someone with depression, please don't be afraid to get it, call any of these numbers:

Beyond Blue: 1300 22 4636
Lifeline:  13 11 14
Men's Line Australia:  1300 78 99 78
Salvo Care Line: 1300 36 36 22
Kids Help Line: counselling and support provided for young people (to 24 years old) who are feeling depressed, sad, or lonely - or just need someone to talk to - 1800 55 1800
Child Abuse Prevention Services: 1800 688 009
Suicide Call Back Service: 1300 659 467

Sunday, October 20, 2013

About people getting their rocks off by being mean

I will never, ever understand these people, never, and I offer them a how dare you and a go fuck yourself. I'm not sure what has happened in their life to make them such an arsehole but I wish they'd figure it out. I'm sick of hearing about and dealing with their type.

I have copped abuse from people not because of who I am but because of who I am married to. Now he might welcome abuse and he has his way of dealing with it (usually by making fun of the idiot doing it) but I do not welcome it and I do not appreciate it. I have been called fat (well I do have some more weight to lose but I am smaller than I used to be), I've been called ugly (I don't think that I am and I don't think many other people think that I am) and I've been called a suck (I'm not, I am nice and I'm sure they don't know what that means because they're an arshole and I'm sure not many people are nice to then), but I'd rather be all those things and an evil, horrid person who enjoys being mean to others.

They must feel like such a big person with their few friends and the fact that they do all of this behaviour hiding behind a computer screen being all anonymous, but in reality they are a coward and a loser. But I refuse to be hurt by their words anymore and I want you to as well, these people do not deserve your hurt feelings and your tears, they don't know you and don't care about you. Offer them a hearty go fuck yourself and hope that karma bites them hard on the arse and go on your merry way. Imagine them in your mind as the sad and pathetic loser that they are, you're better than that.


And to finish off:

Thursday, October 17, 2013

About dissing people with disabilities

And I am writing this because I was pointed in the direction of this  WHAT THE FUCKING FUCK? I cannot believe this dude is serious, but sadly he is, and the guy he's talking about is completely horrid too and I can't even deal. Where the fuck do these people get off being so completely horrendous? If you are that intolerable of someone for that period of time and so precious that you feel the need to complain about it then you sirs deserve a kick swiftly and hardly in the dick. If I was that theater manager I would have ejected him and told him to never come back if that was going to be his attitude. What, just because someone has a disability that makes you feel uncomfortable they just shouldn't never be allowed out to enjoy things that everyone else enjoys? People with disabilities should be locked up and the key thrown away? Well I think everyone who behaves in this manner should be locked up and the key thrown away and you can all enjoy living in a big douchebaggy house being douchebags together. And how fucking dare you compare a kid with a disability making noises during a film, to someone using a mobile phone, or a bunch of teenagers coming in and being deliberately disruptive, they are complete polar opposites and you need to get your head out of your arse.

And this story reminded me of a tweet I read about a completely horrid and evil woman taking a picture that a mother had posted of her child with downs syndrome and reposting it asking people if they thought this gorgeous, happy and healthy little boy was ugly. Fuck that person, if anyone is ugly it is her, how dare her do this. People like this make me sick and they are such a pimple on the arse of society, these people are why we cannot have and enjoy nice things.

This ends today's rant.

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

About last names....

There have been many articles about women and children having the same last name as the husband and father and can I tell you I am sooooo jack of them. Seriously, who died and made you guys king dick of names? Can I ask you why do you think it's your business what name I take and give my children and why the fuck do you care? Is it hurting you that I took my husband's name and my children have the same last name? You could call your kid Lollipop Doodlemunch if you want, I wouldn't choose it but whatever floats your boat, makes no difference to me. I shouldn't have to defend what name I choose for myself and my children, it shouldn't even be a question that anyone is ever asked and it doesn't even really need to be talked about. Some people take it, some don't, some people give their kids the same, some don't, WHAT DIFFERENCE DOES IT MAKE???

Stop fucking judging people for choices of things that don't frigging matter, unless I'm doing something completely abhorrent in my life to others or to my children, mind your own goddamn business and STFU. Stop writing stupid articles about stupid things that don't have anything to do with you, life and parenting is a hard enough gig without being judged for completely ridiculous things like what last name I have, STOP IT NOW!

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

About people bitching about kids being anywhere....

So my blog post about kids and cafes led to me thinking about people bitching about kids being anywhere, on planes, in the supermarket, on this planet, and I'm wondering a few things, but I'm wondering mostly how they came to be, are they one of those magical people that were born fully grown up jerks? Were they not children once? Why are we not doing scientific studies on these people?

I guess once we have kids our lives should be over? But then how would these people ever have jobs? Are they aware that children being out in society enable them to swan about judging us? Perhaps they should think about THAT?

How about you guys just suck it up for the short time that you have to spend with this small humans, parents are the ones that have to live with them, some of us 24/7, how about you give us mad props for that, huh? HUH?

And sometimes we like to take holidays and shit, not like we can go by car to New Zealand, or Fiji, not that I can afford to but some people can and can't you give us a congrats for being brave enough to travel with our kids, we should get frigging medals.

So suck it up princesses, if you don't like it, jog on.

About Kids in Cafes...

I have something to say about this article I read today on the Hoopla, and this is not a Dev bashing so please don't make it so, but I wholeheartedly DISAGREE with what she has to say here, in fact I'm quite angered by it.

You see as a parent sometimes I have/want to go places with my children, sometimes we all want/need to and sometimes it so happens that we want to go to cafes because lets be honest who doesn't want to go to a good cafe? And most of the time we would LOVE to go without our children but that isn't always possible and sometimes we NEED to go because we may just lose what is left of our sanity and sometimes it's nice to see other people who ARE NOT your children, you know what I mean?

And yes sometimes our kids are noisy and sometimes they are messy and sometimes they scream like banshees but we can't help this, of course we don't want them to do this of course we would love them to sit quietly and be little angels but they're not and I don't think because of this fact that WE as parents should have to stay home. How about those of you who don't like certain people (ie kids) stay in your home, then you won't have to deal with such horrid people? Or go to the many, many places that parents do not take their children because those places are specifically for adults, because to be fair there are many more of those places.

Just because we have children does this mean we cannot at least TRY to enjoy our lives, you've got to let us have some things, we like nice things too. I don't know about anyone else but I'm tired of people judging parents and parent and child bashing just because we dare to venture outside of our own homes, some adults act like if not worse than children and can you imagine the rage that would be unleashed if they were told that they should not venture out, and really some of you should not be out of your homes, but we are too nice to say anything. We already feel bad enough about our children behaving terribly in public we don't need you making us feel worse about it, the embarrassment that a parent feels when your child is in full tanty mode and screaming at the top of their lungs because they didn't get a pink marshmallow with their babyccino is more than enough, we don't need anything more from you. And yes we give our kids babyccinos because even if it only gives us 5 minutes worth of peace, that 5 minutes is better than nothing and also I could kiss whoever invented babyccinos because it means that I get to keep the froth and the chocolate to myself because sometimes we just need such things.

Yes we chose to have children, and as someone with children it makes me sad that Dev doesn't feel sorry for parents and cut them a little slack, hell if I was rich I'd buy every parent with a kid in a cafe a coffee and all the kids a round of babyccinos because they probably all need it. What also comes to mind is that if we are to never allowed to take our children anywhere, how are they supposed to learn how to be a valuable member of society and not end up an inmate at Barwon? Do we just give them a book on what the outside is like? Let them watch the news perhaps? Please fill me in, I'd like to know.

Anyway, I will not be deterred from the outside, I will take my children with me and I will not be made to feel crappy about it, and if you don't like it, you can stay home. And do what we do, be thankful that it's not your kid and talk about how terrible the kid is later. Cafes and babyccinos for all.